Después de su accidente de tractor-remolque

Después de su accidente de tractor-remolque

Helping You Move Forward After Your Truck Accident

Después de un accidente de camión, puede estar en estado de shock y tratar de reconstruir lo que sucedió. Es posible que necesite atención médica a largo plazo, no pueda trabajar en el futuro previsible y tenga dolores constantes. Los abogados de John Bales saben que este puede ser un momento difícil y emocional para usted y sus seres queridos. Si sigue estos importantes pasos, podrá maximizar sus posibilidades de obtener la resolución que necesita para recuperar su vida.

Steps To Take

Whether your tractor-trailer accident just occurred or you are preparing an emergency plan for your family, our tractor-trailer accident lawyers are here for you. As soon as a truck accident happens, you should:
  1. Get medical attention. If you or anyone else in the accident is seriously injured, call 911 to get medical treatment right away. Even if your injuries are not life threatening, it is still important that you see a doctor as soon as you can to rule out any internal injuries, as some injuries may take several days to show up.
  2. Collect contact information. Get the names and phone numbers of the trucking company and the truck driver—this information can often be found in the police report. If other vehicles were involved, you also need to get the names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance information of other motorists and any witnesses.
  3. Gather evidence. If possible, take pictures of your injuries with your camera or cell phone as soon as possible after the accident. Write down a record of what happened in the accident, such as how fast you were going and the lane you were traveling in. Also, be sure to get a copy of your medical report from the doctor who treated you.
  4. Call an tractor-trailer accident lawyer.
Because of the complexity of truck accident cases, it can be difficult to get the compensation you need without an experienced attorney on your side. Call John Bales Attorneys—we know tractor-trailer accidents, and we will fight for your rights from day one. We serve accident victims in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, and Sarasota.

Los abogados de John Bales conocen los accidentes de camiones

En John Bales Attorneys, tenemos años de experiencia investigando accidentes y analizando evidencia de víctimas inocentes de accidentes de tractocamiones. Pero nuestra dedicación va más allá de la simple presentación de su reclamo; nuestros abogados de accidentes de tractocamiones están disponibles para responder sus preguntas y mantenerlo actualizado sobre el progreso de su caso. No espere otro día para obtener la ayuda que necesita con su accidente de camión. Llame a nuestro atento y seguro equipo legal hoy al (800) 225-5564 o complete un formulario de consulta inicial gratuito. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarlo a seguir adelante con su vida.
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