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Obtenga Ayuda de un Abogado de Lesiones Personales


Si ha resultado lesionado en un accidente, no está solo. Puede estar sin trabajo, experimentando ansiedad relacionada con un accidente o enfrentando costosas facturas médicas o de automóvil.

    After an auto accident, not only can you and your family suffer serious injuries, but your vehicle also may need expensive repairs. These factors can lead to lost wages, medical bills, and sleepless nights worrying about how you are going to pay for it all.


    Obtenga una representación legal compasiva en la que pueda contar. Nuestro personal legal profesional se tomará el tiempo para comprender los detalles de su reclamo por lesiones personales y llegar a conocerlo. Trabajaremos arduamente para construir el reclamo más sólido posible, mientras lo mantenemos informado en cada paso del camino.


    When defective medical devices or pharmaceutical drugs cause harm to large groups of people, the Tampa injury lawyers at John Bales Attorneys pursue legal claims—or mass torts—to help victims get compensation for their suffering.


    Healthcare providers are expected to provide a certain level of care to their patients. When careless behavior fails to meet a standard of care and causes you harm, John Bales Attorneys may be able to help get you the compensation you are owed for your injuries.

  • ¿Ha trabajado más de 40 horas a la semana, pero no le pagan por horas extras? O tal vez, no le pagaron por todas las horas que trabajó. Esto podría suceder porque se le pidió que trabajara fuera del horario laboral o se modificó su hoja de tiempo. Este tipo de cosas pasan todo el tiempo. Nuestros abogados laborales han ayudado a los clientes a obtener el dinero que se perdieron y más. No espere más y contáctenos ahora para ver si tiene un caso.

Accidentes automovilísticos

Después de un accidente automovilístico, no solo usted y su familia pueden sufrir lesiones graves, sino que su vehículo también puede necesitar reparaciones costosas. Estos factores pueden provocar la pérdida de salarios, facturas médicas y noches de insomnio preocupándose por cómo va a pagar todo.

Nosotros en el bufete de abogados de John Bales, podemos ayudar a aliviar parte de este sufrimiento para que pueda enfocarse en mejorar. Nuestros abogados de accidentes automovilísticos han ayudado a innumerables víctimas inocentes de accidente a seguir adelante con sus vidas, y también haremos todo lo posible para ayudarlo.

Lesiónes Personales

Obtenga una representación legal compasiva con la que pueda contar. Nuestro equipo legal son profesionales y se tomarán el tiempo para comprender los detalles de su reclamo y llegar a conocerlo. Trabajaremos arduamente para construir el reclamo más sólido posible, mientras lo mantenemos informado en cada paso del camino.

Descubra cómo los abogados de John Bales pueden ayudarlo, contáctenos hoy. Tenemos años de experiencia ayudando a víctimas lesionadas en Tampa y Orlando, y también atendemos a clientes en St. Petersburg y Sarasota.

Alertas al consumidor

Cuando los dispositivos médicos defectuosos o las drogas farmacéuticas causan daño a grandes grupos de personas, los abogados de lesiones de Tampa de John Bales Attorneys meten demandas legales, o agravios masivos, para ayudar a las víctimas a obtener compensación por su sufrimiento.

O tal vez, su médico le recetó un medicamento y usted esperaba que le ayudara a mejorar. Pero algunos medicamentos recetados usan ingredientes contaminados o tienen etiquetas de advertencia inadecuadas sobre los efectos secundarios y las condiciones de salud que pueden causar. Cuando los fabricantes de medicamentos usan ingredientes contaminados o no advierten a los pacientes sobre los peligros de sus medicamentos, pueden ser considerados responsables de las facturas médicas y los salarios perdidos de los pacientes.

Queremos alertar a personas como usted sobre estos medicamentos potencialmente dañinos y productos defectuosos a través de alertas al consumidor. Creemos que las alertas al consumidor devuelven el poder a las personas en lugar de a las corporaciones que fabrican productos inseguros.

Negligencia Médica

Se espera que los proveedores de atención médica brinden cierto nivel de atención a sus pacientes. Cuando el comportamiento descuidado no cumple con un estándar de atención y le causa daño, los abogados de John Bales pueden ayudarlo a obtener la compensación que se le debe por sus lesiones.

Si usted es víctima de negligencia médica, nuestros abogados de negligencia médica están aquí para ayudarlo. Nos tomaremos el tiempo necesario para conocerlo y comprender la naturaleza de su reclamo mientras luchamos por proteger sus derechos.

Disputas laborales

¿Ha trabajado más de 40 horas a la semana, pero no le pagan por horas extras? O tal vez, no le pagaron por todas las horas que trabajó. Esto podría suceder porque se le pidió que trabajara fuera del horario laboral o se modificó su hoja de tiempo. Este tipo de cosas pasan todo el tiempo. Nuestros abogados laborales han ayudado a los clientes a obtener el dinero que perdieron y más. No espere más y contáctenos ahora para ver si tiene un caso.

Más de 20 años

Helping clients in Florida

$ 400 millones

Recovered in settlements to date


Satisfied clients

Más de 169 años

Combined Experience in Personal Injury Law

Abogados Premiados

No todos los bufetes de abogados de lesiones personales son iguales. Descubra por qué la gente en el área de Tampa, Florida está eligiendo a los abogados de John Bales.

Queremos ayudar

En John Bales Attorneys, entendemos el impacto que un accidente o lesión de cualquier tipo puede tener en su vida, hoy y en el futuro. Desde 1999, nuestra empresa ha ayudado a más de 3,500 víctimas heridas en Florida. Nuestros abogados se enfocan únicamente en la ley de lesiones personales y emplean sus 100 años de experiencia combinados para obtener resultados favorables y resolución para nuestros clientes.

No dejes que este evento singular arruine tu vida. Podemos ayudar, ya sea que haya estado involucrado en un accidente automovilístico; lesionado como resultado de negligencia médica o por negligencia de un animal o dueño de una propiedad; o experimentar dificultades adicionales como resultado de salarios perdidos, beneficios denegados o reclamos de seguros rechazados. No se conforme con menos luchando contra las compañías de seguros por su propia cuenta.

Cuente con nuestro equipo legal para luchar por usted. Permítanos enfocarnos en conseguirle el dinero que necesita ... para que pueda concentrarse en mejorar.

¡Recupera su vida ahora!

Llamale a John

Creemos que los seguros de vida deberían ser accesibles. Por eso hemos creado una aplicación para que sea más fácil.


    El hecho de que haya tenido un accidente no significa que no necesite regresar al trabajo, pagar sus facturas y cuidar de su familia. En John Bales Attorneys, sabemos que cuando tiene un accidente, la vida no espera. Necesitas ayuda ahora.


    John Bales Attorneys is proud to announce the release of our new personal injury attorney website, designed with a fresh new look and user-friendly navigation, updated with the latest information about the cases we handle and services.

      Le proporcionaremos una consulta gratuita y confidencial, sin condiciones. Siempre responda claramente a todas sus preguntas, inquietudes y consultas. Ayude a guiarlo a través del proceso de negociaciones del seguro; Maneje todo el papeleo por usted. Le ayudará a obtener la atención médica adecuada de inmediato. servicio de clase de principio a fin Adelantar todos los costos de su reclamo por lesiones personales No cobrarle nada hasta que ganemos su caso Ganamos o no nos paga nada.
  • ¿SABÍAS?

    Settlements for Injury Victims are 40% higher with Attorney Representation than without.

Vea el Video

El hecho de que haya tenido un accidente no significa que no necesite regresar al trabajo, pagar sus 

facturas y cuidar de su familia. En John Bales Attorneys, sabemos que cuando tiene un accidente, la vida no espera. Necesitas ayuda ahora.


Entendemos que las víctimas lesionadas como usted necesitan acción inmediata. Por eso estamos aquí. Desde la recepción hasta el cierre, recibirá la atención personalizada que se merece. Nuestro equipo de abogados compasivos, administradores de clientes, secretarios legales y miembros del personal trabajan juntos para asegurarse de que reciba ayuda cuando la necesite. Comuníquese con su abogado de lesiones personales, John Bales Attorneys, para obtener ayuda ahora.


John Bales Attorneys se enorgullece de anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo sitio web para abogados de lesiones personales, diseñado con una nueva apariencia y una navegación fácil de usar, actualizada con la información más reciente sobre los casos que manejamos y los servicios.


Uno de nuestros principales objetivos era crear un sitio fácil de usar y de navegar. El nuevo diseño permite encontrar rápidamente los contenidos gracias a su baja estructura jerárquica.


Esperamos que disfrute navegar por nuestro nuevo sitio, encontrando cada vez más opciones e información, y que sea una herramienta más para fortalecer nuestras relaciones comerciales.


Comparta sus comentarios con nosotros; nos encantaría escucharlos.

Habla con un experto

La promesa de John Bales

  • Le proporcionaremos una consulta gratuita y confidencial, sin condiciones
  • Siempre responderemos claramente a todas sus preguntas, inquietudes y consultas
  • Ayudarle a guiarlo a través del proceso de negociación del seguro;
  • Manejar todo el papeleo por usted
  • Ayudarle a obtener la atención médica adecuada de inmediato.
  • Brindarle un servicio compasivo y de primera clase de principio a fin
  • Anticipar todos los costos de su reclamo por lesiones personales
  • No le cobraremos nada hasta que ganemos su caso
  • Si no ganamos, no nos paga nada


Los acuerdos para las víctimas de lesiones son un 40% más altos con representación de abogados que sin abogado.

El 85% de todo el dinero pagado por las compañías de seguros por reclamos por lesiones corporales va a los clientes que contrataron a un abogado.

La contratación de representación de abogados a menudo resulta en un acuerdo de 2 a 3 veces más alta que cuando no se contrata a ningún abogado.


por Ken Clark 03 jul., 2021
Storms, structural damage, construction, renovations and negligence can all contribute to catastrophic building failure, property damage, injury and death. Let us help you hold those responsible for your loss. No amount of money can help you regain what has been taken away, but we can make sure you and your family are financially supported and compensated for this travesty. Be on the side of justice and help us make sure this doesn’t happen to another family. Contact John Bales Attorneys for a free consultation. If we take on your case, you pay nothing until if/when we win you a settlement or verdict for compensation in your favor. You focus on healing. We’ll focus on holding negligent parties responsible for their actions. Major Structural Damage Revealed in Collapsed Miami-area Condo Inspection Reports On June 24th, 2021 during the early morning hours, the residents of Champlain Towers South Condominium experienced the unthinkable: a partial building collapse. As of the writing of this piece, the death toll of the 12-story building has reached 12, with 149 people unaccounted for. In the aftermath of this travesty, questions abound. Primarily what led to this event and whether or not it could have been prevented. Design Flaws and Failed Waterproofing According to engineers familiar with the structure, 900 days prior to the collapse, significant design flaws and failed waterproofing were noted as threats that could lead to ‘exponential damage’. These documents , released by the town of Surfside Florida include a 40-year unverified inspection report that is purported to have been delivered just 16-hours after the building’s collapse. September 6th 2018 Inspection Report Findings In an inspection report conducted by Frank Morabito, no settlement or bulging was reported at that time. However, of note was that 5% of balcony structural floor slabs showed signs of hairline cracking, and an estimated 8% of concrete slabs in the building plaza and garage showed signs of “concrete deterioration”. The report went on to describe further cracking and spalling of both exterior concrete walls and concrete columns, with one column revealing a wide crack more than 2 millimeters in width. Other notable issues in the report included waterproofing membranes that were “beyond their useful life” and required replacement. October 8th 2018 Inspection Report Findings On October 8th, 2018 a letter was remitted to the condominium associations treasurer detailing recommendations for repairs and potential hazards. One such recommendation detailed the potential consequences of failed waterproofing, noting: “major structural damage” referring to a concrete slab above a garage, and “failure to replace waterproofing in the near future will cause the extent of the concrete damage to expand exponentially.” The author of this letter went on to warn that the building’s design was flawed and that remediation would be complex, noting that this was a “systemic issue”. In the report “abundant” spalling and cracking of beams, walls, and columns in the garage under the tower was also detailed. In engineering and construction, ‘spalling’ is a term used to describe the deterioration of concrete. According to Morabito Consultants, “Abundant cracking and spalling of varying degrees were observed in the concrete columns, beams and walls" of the ground floor parking garage. The report continued on, stating that “Though some of this damage is minor, most of the concrete deterioration needs to be repaired in a timely fashion.” The Experts Weighing In According to personal injury attorney John Bales, of John Bales Attorneys, some of the issues detailed in the report could be indicative of other unforeseen problems. Columbia University professor Matthys Levy, author of “Why Buildings Fall Down: How Structures Fall”, noted that “The damage outlined in that report indicates that the problem is at the bottom of the building" and that "The problem obviously is the report is three years old and nothing was done until, you know, recently". The cost of such required repairs were (at the time) estimated to be around $9 million, although one resident of the building reported to USA Today that they recalled a discussion in which the costs could have run as high as $15 million. Another expert, professor of structural engineering at the University of California Los Angeles, John Wallace, was quoted as saying the catastrophic failure could be due to “…slow degradation over time, maybe the concrete wasn’t placed properly, it could be that the ground had moved somewhat causing it," he went on to say "It could be multiple different things” and that further investigation is warranted. Too Little Too Late Despite the findings of these reports being issued as early as September and October of 2018, it wasn’t until April of 2021 that plans to address them had been solidified. It appeared that some work had previously been done to the concrete slab that supported the plaza and pool, gut that the patchwork and crack repairs were found to have “….performed less than satisfactorily and needs to be completed again” as per the October 2018 report. Negligence and Catastrophe Early information regarding inspection reports and findings indicate that there may have been negligence on behalf of the condo association or building ownership. It appears that there were significant issues found with the building’s construction that posed a real and significant risk to its inhabitants. Although additional investigations are warranted, had these issues been addressed when found, this tragedy may have been avoidable. Who Could Be Held Responsible for This Building Collapse? In the event of a catastrophic building collapse, the first priority is medical treatment and survivor rescue. Often additional investigations are needed to determine who or what parties may be at fault or negligent. Such investigations often begin immediately, but can take considerable time to play out. Negligent Parties May Include: Associations (such as a condo association) Building owners Property management companies Construction companies Engineering and architectural companies And more… What Types of Damages May Victims Qualify to Be Compensated For? Building collapses often cause significant damage to person and property, including serious injuries and death. Common Types of Injuries We Represent Include: Wrongful death Suffocation Amputated limbs Crush injuries Broken bones Compartment syndrome Traumatic brain injury Spinal cord injury Paralysis And more… Types of Compensation You and Your Family May Be Entitled To If you or a loved one were the victim of a building collapse accident, you may be entitled to file a claim or sue for compensation for the following: Lost wages from time off work Lost future earning potential Pain and suffering Medical expenses Rehabilitation Physical and phycological therapy Property damage Loss of companionship And more…
por Ken Clark 22 may., 2021
Multaq and Liver Damage The heart rhythm drug Multaq® has been linked to severe liver damage, liver failure , and the need for a liver transplant in some users. What is Multaq used for? Multaq (dronedarone) is in a class of medications called antiarrhythmics, which are designed to help the heart to beat normally. Multaq is used to treat people who have had atrial fibrillation (a heart rhythm disorder that may cause fast and irregular heartbeat) or atrial flutter (a heart rhythm disorder that may cause the heart to beat very fast) within the past six months and who also have other conditions that increase the risk that they will develop heart problems. Multaq is marketed as decreasing the risk that people who have these conditions will need to be hospitalized to treat heart problems. Is Multaq dangerous? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that some patients using Multaq have suffered severe liver injury and liver failure leading to liver transplant . What does Multaq look like? Multaq is a white film-coated tablet that should be taken by mouth, usually two times a day with a meal. The standard dose is 400 mg twice a day, regardless of age or weight. There is no generic version. How many people have taken Multaq? The FDA reported that around 492,000 prescriptions were dispensed, and around 147,000 patients filled Multaq prescriptions at outpatient retail pharmacies in the United States since 2009. What is being done to protect consumers? The FDA said it would add a new warning about the risk for liver damage to the label of Multaq. The agency recommended patients should contact their doctor if they experience signs of liver injury, including nausea, vomiting, and fever. If doctors suspect toxicity issues, the patient should discontinue Multaq use and undergo a liver enzyme test. Do I have a case? If you took Multaq and were hospitalized with liver damage or liver failure, if you required a liver transplant, or if a loved one took Multaq and died from liver problems, contact our firm immediately. We want to help. The experienced lawyers at John Bales Attorneys are working to help Multaq liver damage victims get the help they need. Call us at 1-800-CALL-JOHN (1-800-225-5564) or click here to fill out a free online consultation form to learn how we may be able to help you and your loved ones. Darvon and Darvocet Removed from Market As of 2010, Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the maker of the painkiller drugs Darvon® and Darvocet®, has withdrawn these medications from the United States market at the request of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Why Are Darvon and Darvocet Considered Dangerous? Darvon and Darvocet contain a chemical known as propoxyphene , which is an opioid used to treat mild to moderate pain. It was first approved by the FDA in 1957 and is sold by prescription under various names alone (e.g., Darvon), or in combination with acetaminophen (e.g., Darvocet). Propoxyphene, however, has been linked to serious heart problems . What Is Being Done to Protect Consumers? The FDA has requested that every drug company remove all products containing propoxyphene from the market. According to the FDA, clinical data suggested the drugs put patients at an increased risk for serious or potentially life-threatening heart rhythm abnormalities . As a result of this data, along with other information, the FDA found that the risks posed by propoxyphene outweighed its pain management benefits. What Symptoms Are Associated with Darvon or Darvocet Use? The adverse symptoms of Darvon or Darvocet use include: • heart attack • heart failure • sudden cardiac death We Want to Help Our law firm is reviewing cases for which objective diagnostic test reports and records are available to document a patient was taking Darvon, Darvocet, or a propoxyphene-containing drug at the time of suffering heart failure, heart attack, or sudden cardiac death . Contact us today to learn how we may be able to help. Darvocet® and Darvon® are registered trademarks of Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and are used here to identify the products in question. This law firm is not associated with, sponsored by, or affiliated with the Food and Drug Administration or Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The lawyers of John Bales Attorneys believe that pharmaceutical companies should be held to the same high standards of care as medical professionals like doctors and hospitals. We believe that holding drug companies accountable for the quality and safety of their products plays a vital role in maintaining drug safety. If you or a loved one suffers from a drug injury, contact a John Bales Florida drug injury attorney today. Complete a FREE Online Consultation Form or call us toll free 1-800-CALL JOHN (1-800-225-5564) 24 hours, 7 days a week.
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