In The Community

In The Community

Abogados de John Bales en la comunidad

En John Bales Attorneys, nos enorgullecemos de nuestra dedicación a la comunidad de Tampa Bay. Estamos comprometidos a retribuir a las personas a las que servimos. Como ciudadanos responsables, los miembros de nuestro bufete de abogados son generosos con nuestro tiempo y compromisos financieros con muchas organizaciones benéficas. Eso es porque realmente nos preocupamos por la gente.

At John Bales Attorneys, we take great pride in our dedication to the Tampa Bay community. We are committed to giving back to the people we serve. As responsible citizens, the members of our law firm are generous with our time and financial commitments to many charitable organizations. That is because we truly care about people.

John Bales Attorneys is committed to finding opportunities in which to participate inside and outside the legal profession. We are passionate about supporting the needs of our neighbors.


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