
Client Testimonials

What Our Clients Say About Us

Let us help you and demonstrate why at John Bales Attorneys our clients always come first – no matter what. Our Firm’s Cultural Values of: Care, Quality, and Respect influence everything that we do. This philosophy is deeply embedded and means that we take the time to listen and to get to know each and every client on an individual basis.

We have helped people in Tampa Bay since 1999 and successfully settled over 3,600 cases. Want to share your experience with John Bales Attorneys? Click here to send us a testimonial.


Featured Testimonials

Tased 9-Year-Old

LaMaria’s 9 year-old daughter was tased by a restaurant security employee. She called John Bales Attorney. Listen to her story and how we helped her get justice for her family.

Speaker Fell on Child's Head

A Speaker fell on Sandy’s son at a birthday party. Luckily they called John Bales Attorneys. Watch her tel the story in her own words.

BP Oil Spill

Andreas was directly impacted by the BP Oil spill that affected thousands of people and individuals. He called John Bales. Listen to his testimonial about his case and experience with us.
4.6 Average Rating
4.5 Average Rating
5.0 Average Rating
4.6 Average Rating
4.5 Average Rating
5.0 Average Rating
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